Ekowmania | Dr Afrodub



Kwame Nkrumah

Twerk Your Mind

Kiikala Reggae

Ekowmania Here I Come

Marimbula Groove

Lagos Heavy

Dub Souljah

Human Race

Me Know (DJ Sotofett mix)

Afro-dub album "Dr. Afrodub" by Ghanaian Ekowmania aka Ekow Alabi Savage. The drummer, percussionist and singer who's played with Jimi Tenor & Kabukabu for more than 20 years explores the fields of classic Roots Reggae, Afro and Dub as well as uptempo modern African rhythms and ballads. This Jimi Tenor produced album is an expansion of Ekowmania's tribute song to Kwame Nkrumah and Tenor's electronic loops, which they developed into a full album in guitar player Lauri Kallio's country side studio in Kiikala, Finland.

Regular price £13.75

Tags: Dub, Ekowmania, Lp, Ronet

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