Dego | Love Was Never Your Goal
New Dego LP... Modern London soul with Samii on the mindful vocals ."Take Me Away" ....Tune. Then there is some instrumental Dego nuggets too - dont miss!
Dego is back with a brand new album, a fusion of inspired and sophisticated vocal songs featuring 2000 black's own Samii and futuristic instrumental compositions penned with the help of comrades like Kaidi Tatham, Matt Lord and Mr Mensah, the record reaches a hard to obtain balance between organic and more electronic landscapes. The sublime notes introducing Samii's always inspired voice on ''Take Me Away' set the tone of the album, which has some quirkier twists with jams like ''Proxima Centauri', the '2 pageish' masterpiece''Warp 7'' and the relentless funky ''U.N.I.A.''. ''Catch The Sun'' could be a clear example of these worlds colliding and creating this beautiful and unique sound that only Dego and his 2000 black ensemble are able to create… Soul music at its best!
Tags: 2000black, Backcatalog oc22, Broken beat, Dego, Lp, S1124
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