Dan The Drum / Ronnie Turner / Emma Noble | JazzCazz
JazzCazz (instrumental)
‘Jazzcazz’ is the musical lovechild of Jazz Funk, House DJ/promoter, Dan ‘The Drum’ Spalding, dance music DJ/producer Ronnie Turner and DJ/chanteuse, Emma Noble. The inspiration for this 100bpm Jazzer was triggered by Dan and Emma’s love for Coffee’s 1980 iconic disco cover of the original 1967 version of ‘Casanova’, sung by Ruby Andrews and penned by the mighty Jo Armstead. The ensuing trip down to Ronnie Turner’s studio brought the demo to life thanks to Ronnie’s masterful production and Dan’s deft arrangement, add Emma Noble’s exquisite vocal delivery and the result is the trio’s cool, jazzy retro spin on Ruby and Coffee’s versions exudes timeless dance floor love - jazz, nice.
Tags: 7", Dan the drum, Emma noble, Jazz, Ramrock red, Ronnie turner
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