Blue | The Path Of Least Resistance Meets The Point Of No Return
Deep slow electronics /ambient chuggs... 28 years ago Chris Mann and Paul Darking released their debut EP on Andrew Weatherall’s (RIP) Sabres Of Paradise. A year later another EP came out on the same imprint, followed by two albums on Weatherall’s label Emissions Audio Output and a bunch of EP’s on sub- labels.
This an album collecting a coherent set of tracks made between 1997
and 2001, carefully saved on DAT tapes. Recorded as building blocks of an ambient album that was never wrapped up at the time, today Mann and Darking stepped back into the studio to complete a story that has been left untold for so many years. Using in some occasions various mixes of the same track laid out over each other to come to its conclusive version, the final result is breathtaking and surprisingly coherent. The ideas had clearly always been there, it only required the right time / a point of no return to put them all together.
Tags: 2xlp, Ambient, Backcatalog oc22, Blue, Souvenirs from imaginary cities
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