Alexander Melzak | Alexander Melzak
The Paradox of peace from violence
Random certainties collide in the fathomless nature of things
Life of a blade of grass explained in music
Threnody to the people of melancholy and disenchantment in a world devoid of magic
What lives in the darkness reveals itself sometimes
Sarah's transcendent, sublime, alien, nightmare preserved for all eternity
Fantasia on a theme of fucking horror
Sometimes we all have to leave and quickly
Obliteration of a digital selfnightmare 1 (computer malfunction)
New music on Light Sounds Dark from Alexander Melzak - rising dark and light orchestral ambient / synth - with sparkling electronics - most impressive.
Tags: 12", Alexander melzak, Backcatalog oc22, Coldwave, Light sounds dark, Synth
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