While My Sequencer Gently Bleeps | Definition Of...



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Definition Of

The third EP by Stefan Schwander that you might already know from one of his other disguises such as Harmonious Thelonious or A Rocket In Dub. All tracks were virtuously and solely jammed out on Elektron's Monomachine once again.

Deep basslines, ravey bleeps, piano chords and synth melodies are awaiting us and let us reminisce of Jamaica, UK and Chicago while stepping and dancing into tomorrow.

'Definition Of...' sums it up what While My Sequencer Gently Bleeps is all about: a deep bass as bedrock, lively percussion, a little melody, tiptoeing chords. Everything sensitively used, telling a story.

Regular price £15.99

Tags: 12", Bleeps, Dub, Funkscapes, House, While my sequencer gently bleeps

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