Patrick Gibin | Strength In Numbers



Strength In Numbers ft. Kaidi Tatham

Team Spirit

Gear Up Rudi! ft. Kaidi Tatham

Come Mornin' ft. Sandra St. Victor

No Matter What

Let It Go ft. Kaidi Tatham

Joint Purpose (Alternative Mix)

Come Mornin' (Instrumental)

In This Together

Patrick Gibin serves up his debut album for his own Mother Tongue imprint. Filled with jazz-infused dancefloor jams like the title track and the other collaborations with Kaidi Tatham ("Gear Up Rudi!" and "Let it Go"), the album also shows a more electronic side of Patrick in cuts like "No Matter What" and "Joint Purpose (alternative mix)". His notorious love for Boogie is well represented here by "Team Spirit" and the collaboration with Sandra St. Victor, "Come Mornin'". The album closes with the mellow outro "In This Together", another title that shows the collective mindframe and ethic behind Mother Tongue in all its endeavours.

Regular price £24.99

Tags: 2x12", Boogie, Broken beat, House, Mother tongue records, Patrick gibin

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