The Rave List - 1988 to 1994 By Ritchie K (Paperback Book)
Check out our interview with Ritchie for the VU Basement Blog
Over 1000 labels and their discography’s listed.
Interviews and features with Nookie, Nicky Blackmarket, Remarc, Ron Wells, Evil Eddie Richards, Production House, Sammy Try Unity, Jay Cunning, Fat Controller, Vinyl Junkie, Creative Wax and many more!
Written pieces with pivotal record shop owners, record sleeve designers, pirate radio stations.
Previously unseen photos from Tonka at The Zapp Club – Brighton.
A huge archive of rave images, record shops, record shop adverts, record covers, magazine covers, flyers, tapes, and all things rave related!
There’s just so much amazing rave history to digest in this book.
- Music Mondays
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