Khruangbina | A La Sala
Fifteen Fifty-Three
May Ninth
Ada Jean
Farolim De Felgueiras
Pon Pon
Todavia Viva
Juegos Y Nubes
Hold Me Up (Thank You)
Caja De La Sala
Three From Two
A Love International
Les Petits Gris
Gold, Solei and Black coloured edition available.
Khruangbin’s fourth studio album, ‘A La Sala’ (‘To the Room’ in Spanish), isan exercise in returning in order to go further, and doing so on your ownterms. It continues the mystery and sanctity that is the key to how bassistLaura Lee Ochoa, drummer Donald ‘DJ’ Johnson Jr. and guitarist Mark‘Marko’ Speer approach music. If 2020’s ‘Mordechai’, the last studio LPKhruangbin made without collaborators, was a party record that enhancedthe band’s musical reputation far and wide, then ‘A La Sala’ is the measuredmorning after. It’s a gorgeously airy record completed only in the company ofthe group’s longtime engineer, Steve Christensen, with minimal overdubs.It’s a window onto the bounties powering Khruangbin’s vision, a reimaginingand refuelling for the long haul ahead. ‘A La Sala’ scales Khruangbin down toscale up, a creative strategy with the future in mind.
Tags: Dead oceans, Funk / soul, Khruangbina, Lp
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