Various | The Very Holiday 80 Sampler
Krystyna Pronko - Byles Jestes Bedziesz Moj (Holiday 80 rework)
Tubylcy Betonu - Ye Ye Ye (Holiday 80 edit)
Rezerwat - Zaopiekuj Sie Mna (Holiday 80 rework)
Formacja Niezywych Schabuff - Centrum Wynalazkow (Holiday 80 edit)
Warsaw duo Holiday 80 with new versions of forgotten Polish songs - incredibly danceable and great production quality.. an electro funk interpretation of Krystyna Pronko's 1987 song which is beefed up , then a version of Tubylcy Betonu track "Ye Ye Ye" (Happy Mondays on more acid).
Yet the real gem in this set is the B-side opener "Zaopiekuj sie mna", a synth-wave, dark-italo style take on the 1985 hit track by Rezerwat that was on top of Polish favourite lists of the era. Closes with an edit of "Centrum Wynalazkow", one of the best examples of Polish new wave electronic music of the late 1980s.
Tags: 12", Backcatalog oc22, Formacja niezywych schabuff, Krystyna pronko, Nu disco, Rezerwat, The very polish cut outs, Tubylcy betonu
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