Sleepwalker - Age of Aquarius (L.D remix)
Hedgehog Affair - Parameters
DJ Mayhem - Inesse
Luxury - Twirl
The Invisible Man - The Flute Tune
Escape - Escape (The Optical Mix)
Skanna - This Way
Xray Xperiments - Techcore
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Classic UK Hardcore from 91 - 94 compiled by Blank Minds Sam Purcell and producer Tammo Hesselink. The good deep ones! So a must have not just for the breakbeat heads - not too many annoying stabs etc - heard with modern ears.
Include's rare and legendary cuts from Skanna, DJ Mayhem and Xray Xperiments (aka B12).
2x12"- all tracks remastered by Beau ThomasWith an intrigue for a particular niche of old UK hardcore which takes cues from Sheffield bleep ambience, heady rave futurism and soft, almost new age synth pads, Blank Mind presents ‘Lost Paradise: Blissed Out Hardcore 91-94’. Though the records gathered for the compilation span a short three-year period and bridge the gap between scenes, the collection manages to find a sweet spot where the influence of Warp’s Artificial Intelligence, back room chill out sonics and the nascent jungle boom meet with elements of Italian piano house and slower breakbeat cuts.