Hudson People | Trip To You Mind
Trip To Your Mind’ Original Mix
Trip To Your Mind’ Chris Hill & Robbie Vincent Mix
1979 spiritually rising soulful jazz-funk, originally out UK... Now both classic mixes coupled together for the first time on one 12”.
Until now, the origins of Hudson People’s 1979 jazz-funk club masterpiece ‘Trip To Your Mind’ have largely remained a mystery for over forty years.
Alongside the likes of Atmosfear’s ‘Dancing In Outer Space', the band’s debut is heralded as one of the greatest brit-funk recordings ever, but unlike their North West London contemporaries, they were neither local nor British.
Hudson People were a six-piece band made up of players from South Side, Chicago and Phoenix, Illinois, named after band leader, composer and producer, Reg Hudson.
He comments: “Most of the band had been in the army and were based in Germany doing the live circuit and performing at army bases. They came to England with plans to play some gigs and called me when I was in the US to come and join them. I had just got off a national tour with the Emotions and I was in two minds about whether I should go to London. I told them if they bought me a ticket I would go and they did.”
It was here this track was made and first appeared on the young jazz funk scene.
Tags: 12", Backatcha records, Disco, Hudson people, Jazz-funk
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